Jackie photographed in SYDNEY wearing GIORGIO ARMANI!!! So fun to work with!! She really had a go on so many TV commercials and did quite well in Print as well!!! For sure a Down Under Diva!!
I am very happy and feel blessed to be part of this Exhibition! Together with world class photographers ALEXI LUBOMIRSKI - INEZ VAN LAAMSWEERDE AND VINOOD MATADIN - MARCELO KRASILICIC - ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE ESTATE - STEWART SHINNING and WALTER PFEIFFER to name a few. Plus World Class JEFF KOONS and other ARTISTS, PAINTERS and SCULPTURES. THE PARIS PHOTO FAIR will be on between nov.14 - 17th as well!
Debbra Kidd photographed at La Defense in "PARIS" september 2003. We had just gone to her rooftop apartment next to Le Tour Eiffel so that she could pull her designer pieces together. All the skateboarders and tourists stopped and watched the Diva give attitude on that first Black outfit! She was PROFESSIONAL!!!!
This Czech Bombshell just made the Comeback spread with German GQ a few months ago with famed Swiss photographer Marco Grob. This photo was taken 2 summers ago in Berlin just when Hana worked the runways at Berlin 2011 Mercedes Benz fashion week!
Alexanderr Schröder & Thilo Wermke at Galerie Neu - Giti Nourbakhsch at GalerieGiti Nourbakhsch and Hendrik Berinson at Galerie Berinson all Photographed In Berlin august 2005.All very nice and talented People which were very easy to work with!
Antonio, Patrick, Jakub and Simon all photographed in late summer and early autumn in this "All Suited Up" portraits pictorial as seen in Male Model Scene.net. All with East West models in Frankfurt except for Jakob at Stars models in Dusseldorf. All were very professional!
Sabrina, Gregory, Simon, Cristina and Malina photographed in Frankfurt Am Main this past august. The girls plus Simon are all from East West models. Greg is in the Police Force! EVERYONE was Great and gave all the Professionalism and energy they had for the shoot!
BODO the Hamburg Hunk Photographed here in front of the Finestra of my 60´s styled residence apartment summer 1997. He was one Cool Dude!! VERSACE of course!!
Add caption Add caption Jakub - Oliver - Ann Sophie - Adom - Jonas - Marsha and Lukas all photographed in Frankfurt and Köln this past july and august. All were professional and fun to work with! Eye Candy Coming Soon!!!
Greek German brothers Alexis and Lionel Photographed in Frankfurt am Main this past june. Great guys to work with! This was their first shoot. I can see Alexis Acting Big Time!!!!
Hollywood A lister GARY SHAPIRO was a name to reckon with!! While working with PETER FONDA, JACK NICHOLSON AND DENNIS HOPPER on the HIT MOVIE THE "EASY RIDER" 1969 COLUMBIA PICTURES behind the scnenes Gary earned the respect from just about every important Publicist in town. Here pictured with the Iconic Julie Andrews and John Wayne these shots show just where he was in Tinsel Town!! On The Top!!! Photographed in Hollywood january 2012 for UPON PAPER (BERLIN) The Curated Edition!
Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil is where i learned to use my Daylight outside but Milano (Boot Camp) is where i learned to use the Daylights indoors!! This 60´s styled residence room at the Clotilde is really where it all begun! Prada even caught onto what i was doing with all the models that they rented a room after i left that season and shot one of their campaigns that october just directly 1 floor under my residence! A Miami based photographer named Sixto (very talented) even moved next door to me as well and was trying to detour my models to his residence while on arrival to shoot with me!! Ha Ha what a business we are in!! Have to always watch your back in whatever you do!!! That season i bought all the clothes from Dollar Bill in NYC (The best place for all European labels at half price) before departing for Milan. (55 portrait and body shoots and 28 body shoots total 83 shoots) from may 24th - july 7 1997 this for sure was a way to hone in on my signature style! Also fe...